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"Truyen Kieu" and "Nhat ky trong tu" to be translated in Pakistan

Thursday, 24/10/2024 00:43

The Pakistan Academy of Letters will translate and publish "The Tale of Kieu" by renowned poet Nguyen Du and "Nhật ký trong tù" (Prison Diary) by President Ho Chi Minh into Urdu, the national language of Pakistan.

The Vietnam Writers' Association will also translate and introduce a collection of 100 poems by Pakistani poets to Vietnamese writers and readers.

The MoU signing ceremony between the Vietnam Writers' Association and the Pakistan Academy of Letters in Hanoi. Photo sggp.org.vn

This initiative is part of the ongoing collaboration between the Vietnam Writers' Association and the Pakistan Academy of Letters, announced Nguyen Quang Thieu, President of the Vietnam Writers' Association, at a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony.

He added that literature serves as a vital record of a nation's conscience and aspirations. “The signing of this agreement aims to deepen mutual understanding of each country's values and dreams,” Thieu emphasized.

Both organizations plan to conduct exchanges, workshops, and translation activities. Kohdayar Marri, the Pakistani Ambassador to Vietnam, noted that this agreement seeks to bridge cultural gaps and strengthen literary and artistic ties between the two nations.

Ambassador Marri expressed hope that the works of great Pakistani poets and writers will be translated into Vietnamese, while famous Vietnamese literary works will also be translated, published, and introduced to readers in Pakistan.

The signing marks a significant step forward in the friendly collaboration between writers from both countries. Key areas of cooperation outlined in the agreement include organizing mutual visits for writers, poets, scholars, and social scientists, as well as facilitating joint literary events.

The two organizations will also collaborate on book fairs in each country, hold conferences and workshops on shared literary interests, and promote research on relevant topics in literature through a rotating mechanism.

Additionally, they will translate and publish literary works from both nations, feature poetry and other literary pieces on their official websites, conduct training sessions for writers and intellectuals, and award literary prizes to authors from both countries.

During the signing ceremony, the President of the Vietnam Writers' Association presented the Pakistani Embassy and the Pakistan Academy of Letters with two English-language poetry collections "Song nui tren vai" (Carrying the Mountain and River on Our Shoulders) and "Khat vong hoa binh" (A Hunger for Peace), featuring works by Vietnamese poets.

In return, Ambassador Kohdayar Marri gifted the Vietnam Writers' Association two notable works "Poems from Iqbal" and "Culture and Identity" by renowned Pakistani writer Faiz. These authors are celebrated figures in Pakistani literature.


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