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Culture brings Vietnam closer to Israeli people

Friday, 14/07/2023 08:53

The Vietnamese Embassy in Israel in coordination with authorities of Israel’s Netanya city organized an event popularising the Vietnamese culture, cuisine and tourism to local residents and businesses on July 11.

This is part of the activities celebrating the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic ties between the two countries (July 12, 1993 - 2023).

Guests are treated to traditional Vietnamese dishes that were cooked following Kosher rules of Jewish people.
In his remarks, Vietnamese Ambassador to Israel Ly Duc Trung briefed the participants on Vietnam’s traditional culture and tourism potential.

Guests were treated to traditional Vietnamese dishes that were cooked following Kosher rules of Jewish people.

Some local participating businesses showed their interest in importing Vietnamese agro-aquatic products.

Speaking at the event, Netanya’s Deputy Mayor Efraim Bulmash noted that many tourists from the city have visited Vietnam, contributing to enhancing the bilateral relationship.

Source: VNA

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