A online book exhibition celebrating the 110th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s departure to seek a path to liberate the nation (June 5, 1911-2021) opened in Hanoi on June 4.
A online book exhibition celebrating the 110th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s departure to seek a path to liberate the nation (June 5, 1911-2021) opened in Hanoi on June 4.

At the event.
Co-organised by the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Central Commission for Communication and Education, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Vietnam Publishers Association, the online book exhibition has been designed using modern technology, displaying many publications and precious documents on the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh, such as: "Duong Kach Menh" (Revolutionary Way), “Nhat Ky Trong Tu” (Prison Diary), “Loi Keu Goi Toan Quoc Khang Chien” (The Call for National Resistance), “Loi Keu Goi Dong Bao Va Chien Si Ca Nuoc” (An Appeal to all Compatriots and Soldiers), and "Ban Di Chuc Cua Chu Tich Ho Chi Minh” ( President Ho Chi Minh's Testament).
Publications and documents are divided into eight exhibition spaces, including: President Ho Chi Minh with his hometown Nghe An; President Ho Chi Minh in the capital of Hanoi; President Ho Chi Minh in the South – “bronze citadel of the Fatherland”; President Ho Chi Minh with the People's Public Security; President Ho Chi Minh with the Vietnam People's Army; Image of President Ho Chi Minh through postage stamps; and The Youth study and follow President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle.
The exhibition helps visitors better understand the life and revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh, from his childhood days in Sen Village to the year he left the country to find a means to save the nation in 1911.
The event also contributes to arouse national pride, consolidate people's trust in the Party and Uncle Ho, raise awareness and responsibility of party members and people, especially the young generation, in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and lifestyle.
On the same day, the online book fair was also deployed on modern technology platforms of the online book fair to celebrate Vietnam Book Day 2021, the eighth edition of the event, at website address https://book365.vn/san-sach-in/., with many books on President Ho Chi Minh.
On the occasion, the Information and Communication Publishing House introduced a two-volume book series to a large number of readers. The first book: "Nguyen Ai Quoc - Ho Chi Minh: The itinerary to found Democratic Republic of Vietnam" is printed in four languages: Vietnamese, English, Russian and Chinese. The book provides hundreds of photographs, documents and autographs related to President Ho Chi Minh's activities from 1911 to 1945.
The second book is an anthology of poetry titled "Vao Coi Bac Xua", introducing more than 140 poems about Uncle Ho written by 115 contemporary Vietnamese and foreign poets from the August Revolution in 1945 to the present, expressing their sincere affection and gratitude for Uncle Ho.
The online book exhibition celebrating the 110th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s departure to seek a path to liberate the nation will take place from June 4 to 15, 2021. Meanwhile, the online book fair will run until June 30, 2021.
Source: NDO